Why The COVID-19 Vaccines May Be More Dangerous Than We Thought… And the Possible Life-Changing Effects It May Cause

11 min readJun 26, 2021

I’m going to get straight to the point. As you know, we are in the midst of mass vaccinations for COVID-19 across the world right now. Many pharmaceutical companies have come out with vaccines with the most well-known one being the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) followed by the J&J and AstraZeneca vector-based vaccines.

I personally have been vaccinated with Moderna and I am regretting my decision because of the shocking information I’ve recently learned about these vaccines. They may be associated with severe long-term consequences. Keep in mind that I’m not a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer. But I am seriously questioning the safety of the current vaccine products. I will back all my points with strong scientific sources and relevant news stories about the vaccine.

If you haven’t been vaccinated yet or you’re planning to get your family vaccinated, it’s very important that everyone has full transparency about the risks of the vaccines. Everything starts by understanding how the vaccines work.

How the mRNA Vaccines Work

The mRNA vaccines use liquid nano particles (LNPs) as a shield and contain the information for your cells to create the COVID 19 spike protein antibodies. The spike proteins are then created and your immune system will destroy it, storing it in its memory to look for this spike protein and prevent future COVID-19 infections.

How the Viral Vector Vaccines Work

The JJ and AstraZeneca vaccines use an adenovirus encoded with instructions to make the spike protein. This spike protein is created and then your immune system gets to work in the same way as to how it did with the spike proteins in the mRNA vaccine.


The shocking part of these vaccines is that the spike proteins produced are likely not harmless as they were thought to be. The spike protein is possibly cytotoxic, meaning it is harmful to cells. This article shows that they isolated just the spike protein and eliminated the COVID-19 virus. It still leads to lung and artery damage in animal models.


In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model — proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.”

You’re probably thinking “we should be okay since our immune system will sense the spike proteins created by the vaccines and destroy them.” The problem with this is that while it was thought by scientists that while our immune does destroys the spike proteins, it still leads to spike protein fragments. Parts of the proteins are cleaved off. These parts may be cytotoxic. Another issue is the fact that we don’t know how many spike proteins are produced by your body. It may vary from individual to individual.

We know that with these vaccines, people are experiencing things like heart attacks, blood clots, and even strokes. As we speak, German scientists think (in the story below) that the spike protein fragments are floating around your bloodstream and leading to clots. It likely causes inflammation as well. J&J is currently following up with these scientists.


Here is additional data that may corroborate this hypothesis. This study shows that parts of the fragmented spike proteins circulate throughout your body for up 14 days after the first injection. All the spike protein particulates aren’t destroyed right away by your immune system.

Now does this mean that you are being injected with identical spike proteins as the real COVID-19 virus? To stay true to science, the answer is no. The spike proteins in the vaccines are not an exact replica of the ones that are found in the virus. They are specifically designed to make it more difficult to bind to the ACE-2 receptors. They also carry signals to get your immune system to attack it, so they are destroyed as quickly as possible.

But it’s very plausible that the fragmented spike proteins are still harmful and may still be an issue with the mRNA and viral vector vaccines. What’s more, some new data about the mRNA ones, in particular, are incredibly frightening.

The Potential Life-Changing Risks of the mRNA Vaccines

It was initially thought that the lipid nano particles (LNPs) would stay in the injection site (the shoulder area) where your immune system would then learn how to create the spike proteins. But this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Check out this document by the European Medicines Agency’s assessment of the Moderna vaccine.


On the bottom of page 47, it states that:

Concentrations of mRNA-1647 were quantifiable in the majority of tissues examined at the first time point collected (2 hours post-dose) and peak concentrations were reached between 2- and 24-hours post-dose in tissues with exposures above that of plasma. Besides injection site [muscle] and lymph nodes [proximal and distal], increased mRNA concentrations (compared to plasma levels) were found in the spleen and eye. Both tissues were examined in the frame of the toxicological studies conducted with mRNA-1273 final vaccine formulation. Low levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney. This included heart, lung, testis and also brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP platform crossed the blood/brain barrier, although to very low levels (2–4% of the plasma level). Liver distribution of mRNA-1647 is also evident in this study, consistent with the literature reports that liver is a common target organ of LNPs.”

Here is an unrelated study with mRNA involving the protein for human erythropoietin and they have found that that it affected the bone marrow.


The EMA and the above study were all done on rats, but do they have the same results for humans? We don’t know because they didn’t even give the public the due respect to run this simple test on humans.

A third-party Japanese study for the Pfizer vaccine has found that the LNPs would also be drawn to the ovaries and bone marrow over the course of 48 hours. This should be very disturbing to you. This interview and presentation were conducted with Dr. Robert Malone on Bret Weinstein’s show. Dr. Robert Malone is one of the inventors of the mRNA technology and he does not recommend vaccines. The graph in the video shows where LNPs are distributed (2:15:00 mark). I’ve also attached the Japanese Pfizer study.



This data, although preliminary, may have implications that the vaccine can lead to severe long-term negative health consequences. If the spike proteins are created in these vulnerable sites, can the spike proteins or the fragments of the spike protein cause cell damage in the uterus and bone marrow?

If so, this may lead to things like infertility, blood cancers, and auto-immune diseases in a portion of the population. In addition, these conditions and diseases may not manifest for months and years after vaccination. As you can probably imagine, these conditions and diseases will probably not be “linked” to the vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies will also have legal protection even if there is a link.

Personally, I have been hearing comments on YouTube about negative health consequences from the COVID-19 vaccines. I cannot confirm whether these comments are legitimate or not because I did not follow up with them. I’ve heard people developing Bell’s palsy, MS, and even two cases of leukemia weeks to months after being vaccinated. This doesn’t include the obvious symptoms we already know about (blood clots, heart inflammation, heart attacks, strokes). Here is a story about a woman that developed Bell’s palsy.


Here’s a news story that states there’s “no evidence” linking people that received the Pfizer vaccine and developed Bell’s palsy.


Another type of comment that seems to be common are women reporting a change in their menstrual cycle and abnormal bleeding (discoloration and amount of flow compared to what they were used to). While this symptom has been linked to vaccines in the past, you have to ask: Could this be the LNP making its way to the uterus? Could it be the LNP or spike proteins/spike protein fragments doing any kind of damage?

Just How Dangerous Are These Vaccines?

This vaccine is dangerous when compared to other modern vaccines. There are officially around 6,000 deaths in the U.S. official VAERS database. Steve Kirsch (an independent investigator that was in the Brett Weinstein interview with Dr. Malone) estimates that the true number of deaths is closer to 25,000 in the U.S. due to underreporting.

In addition, there is a long list of complications and serious injuries associated with these vaccines. Irish scientists think that protein changes may be causing the blood clots in the recent vaccines. This is an alternative idea to the theory that it may be cleaved spiked proteins that caused the blood clots. It might even be the case that there are multiple factors that are causing the blood clots.


Not too long ago, Israel has linked myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) to the Pfizer vaccine anywhere from 1 in 3000 to 1 in 5000 young males.

The CDC recently announced that the vaccine’s link with heart inflammation is “stronger than previously thought”

What’s more, it’s been found that only 50 to 75% of people with myocarditis caused by the vaccine had recovered after two weeks. We do not have any data on how much damage the condition can do to the heart over a prolonged amount of time. We do not know if this can cause scarring or permanent damage to the heart tissue. We do not know what kind of heart disease it can lead to over a long period of time.


Dr. Tess Lawrie from the UK created a yellow card for adverse events relating to the vaccine. She has tracked all the adverse events in a detailed chart and concluded that the vaccines are not safe for humans.

Should You Get Vaccinated Considering the Risk of Catching COVID-19?

If you understand the potential risks of this vaccine and you think the consequences associated with being infected with COVID-19 are worse, then I completely understand your decision to vaccinate yourself. With the more deadly and infectious Delta strain flying around, we are at risk of catching this variant of COVID-19 and possibly getting seriously sick or dying. The important thing here is that you have full transparency about potential risks before you make a decision for yourself or your family.

At the same time, I can’t help but feel that hundreds of millions of people around the world are currently in a live human experiment. Consider the fact that vaccine development had only started last year around March to May of 2020 and we have no data to prove that these vaccines are entirely safe in the mid to long term. This is the reason vaccines are traditionally evaluated for 7 to 10 years. Long-term testing and tracking are just as important as development.

How Can I Protect Myself from COVID-19 Without a Vaccine?

I have been hearing a lot of positive things from repurposed drugs such as ivermectin and fluvoxamine. I didn’t do enough research to confirm just how effective these drugs were but I’m seeing more doctors supporting it. It’s also important to note (yet again) that I am not anti-vaxxer.

I think the upcoming Novavax vaccine could also potentially be safer than the current existing vaccines. Instead of being injected with the instructions for making the spike protein, you are directly injected with the spikes with the Novavax vaccine. How does this make anything different?

With this vaccine, you’re given a set amount of spikes. With the other vaccines, you’re given the instructions for your body to make the spikes. There may be a possibility that your body creates more spike proteins than intended with the current vaccines. I’ve also recently found information that shows that with the Novavax vaccine, you are dealing with fewer spike proteins than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. We will ultimately have to see how safe the Novavax vaccine is and scrutinize it for safety before feeling confident about it.

In general, they need to fix the existing vaccines so that they are safer. I can see the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines being useful with modifications on how the spike proteins are broken down. The mRNA vaccines simply pose too much risk to even take.

You can find a lot of information on this page and alternate treatment protocols on this site in general.


You should also watch the entire interview with one of the founders of the mRNA technology I mentioned earlier. It’s 3 hours long but please invest your time if you want to truly understand all of the information I presented in this short report.



As it stands today, the U.S. has vaccinated over 150 million people. In the months and years to come, there may be more stories of people dying, developing serious illnesses, women reporting fertility issues, and more. Who really knows what will happen?

Keep in mind that there needs to be more follow-up for the studies about spike protein fragments causing the adverse reactions to the vaccine, the spike proteins circulating through the bloodstream, and the distribution sites of the LNP for the mRNA vaccine. There needs to be more studies done to further verify everything. There are too many unknowns about these vaccines.

We do not know if the spike protein fragments are causing the damage with 100% certainty. Are there other factors that are causing all the adverse health reactions and deaths? We don’t know if the LNPs for the mRNA vaccines always go to the uterus and bone marrow in all people. We don’t know if there are different locations the LNPs go to for the Moderna vaccine since we only have data on the Pfizer vaccine (not to mention we need conclusive human tests).

If you read up on the vaccine technology and believe in it, maybe don’t jump into getting vaccinated. It might be wise to wait and get more clarity on the points I’ve brought up in this report, backed by strong data to indicate that you and your loved ones are not likely to suffer from potentially life-changing effects of the vaccine. Always be willing to question everything INCLUDING what’s in this short report. Look for studies that dispute what’s been stated here. This is about getting transparency and making a decision, not pushing an anti-vax ideology.

Hopefully, I’ve helped you make an informed decision on whether to get yourself and your family vaccinated. It’s always best to make a decision when you have full transparency of the potential risks as opposed to going with the media and “trusted doctors” insisting these vaccines are safe no matter what.

